Heroes, GODS, AND Monsters
Inspired by ancient Greece, Theros is a plane ruled by a vast pantheon of gods who rule from the starlight realm of Nyx. Divided into three realms, Theros has a physical underworld that exists beneath the surface of the world, and a celestial one that exists within the night sky and holds the gods and their creations. The pocket plane of Nyx is absolutely unique in the multiverse, in that the belief and devotion of mortals on the plane effect the fabric of it and the gods it houses. Enough communal belief from the mortal races changes the fabric of reality, and can create or destroy gods, making it as if they had always existed, or never existed at all. The depths of the underworld, on the other hand, is rather immutable: home to all the lost souls of the world, good or bad, and separated from the world of the living by The Rivers that Ring the World.
On the sun-lit surface of Theros, humanity lives within numerous large city-states known as Poleis, divided and content after their triumph over the old Archon rulers of the plane. Within the wilds of Theros there are civilizations of centaurs and satyrs, hulking hydras, sphinxes, dragons, sirens, manticores, cyclopes, giants, and pegasi. Off its massive coast are cities of merfolk known as Tritons, sirens, harpies, and enormous kraken that patrol the deeps. The world is home to as many heroes as it is monsters, and all great deeds are done in the name of one god or another. The only exception are the Leonin of the Therosian planes, who answer to no god after throwing off the Achon rulers of old. Theros is also the home plane of the planeswalker Gideon Jura, who was born as Kytheon Iora of Akros, and the planeswalker Niko Aris from Meletis.
Theros - September 2013
Born of the Gods - February 2014
Journey Into Nyx - May 2014
Theros: Beyond Death - January 2019
Gods, Titans, & avatars
Athreos - God of passage, who ferries the dead across the Rivers that Ring the World into Erebos’ underworld.
Cacophony - The short-lived god of cities, who was created by the planeswalker Ashiok.
Ephara - God of cities and wisdom, who is worshipped heavily at the polis of Meletis.
Erebos - God of death and ruler of the Theros underworld.
Heliod - God of the sun, law, and justice, as well as the self-appointed leader of the pantheon.
Iroas - God of war and victory, and patron of the polis of Akros. Twin of Mogis.
Karametra - God of harvests, fertility, motherhood, and the hearth. Sister of Nylea.
Keranos - God of storms and visions, patron of oracles.
Klothys - God of destiny. One of the oldest gods, and jailer of the Titans before they broke free.
Kroxa - Titan of Death’s Hunger. Predating when mortals invented the gods, Kroxa is the primeval embodiment of death.
Kruphix - God of horizons and time, he is the oldest god on the plane and has the knowledge of all who step foot on it.
Mogis - God of slaughter, wrath, and pain. Twin of Iroas & worshipped by the minotaurs of Theros.
Nylea - God of the hunt, forests, seasons, and rebirth. Patron of nyphs, satyrs, centaurs, and the Polis of Setessa. Sister of Karametra.
Pharika - The serpentine god of affliction, both poison and healing, and mother of all gorgons.
Phenax - God of cheats and deception, the herald of the returned who escape the underworld.
Phlage - Titan of Burning Wind, an all-consuming Whirlwind of fire
Purphoros - God of the forge, fire, artisans, and passion. Patron of artists.
Skotha - Titan of Eternal Dark
Thassa - God of the sea and patron of the Tritons.
Uro- Titan of Nature’s Wrath. Predating when mortals invented the gods, Uro is the primeval embodiment of natural disasters.
Xenagos - The now-dead God of revelry and chaos, Xenagos was once a planeswalker before rising to the pantheon of Nyx.
Soul of Theros - An avatar in the shape of a gigantic hoplite, made of starlight from Nyx.