The Concept Art of Phyrexia

Yawgmoth, father of machines

Early evolution of Yawgmoth’s human form - Book illustration by Mark Tedin

One of the many manifestations of Yawgmoth’s “ultimate” form - Illustration from The Duelist by Mark Tedin

The Nine spheres of Phyrexia

The Nine Spheres of Pyrexia

Initial concept for the spheres/layers of old Phyrexia

Illustration of “Machine Hell”, which would eventually become modern Phyrexia as we know it today

legendary phyrexians

Tsabo Tavoc marker illustration from the world guide for ‘Invasion’ - Art by set Co-Art Director Dana Knutson

Tsabo Tavoc side profile from the official world guide - Art by set Co-Art Director Dana Knutson

Gix from the official world guide

Planar Portals

Portal ship closed for flight - Concept by Mark Tedin

Portal ship opening a dimensional gateway - Concept by Mark Tedin

Phyrexian visual design

Plaguebearer - Concept by Dana Knutson

Black/Red Phyrexian - Concept by Dana Knutson

Hollow Dogs - Concept by Chippy

Advanced Phyrexian anatomy, including the brain casing and spell valve - from the Phyrexian style guide.

Phyrexian creature - Art from The Duelist

Phyrexian shrine - Art from The Duelist

Phyrexian anatomical notes - Concepts by Chippy

Phyrexian anatomical notes

Phyrexian visual design - Art by Anthony Waters, Kev Walker, and Mark Tedin