If you’ve ever asked: “what would Magic be like without most of the magic?”, Fiora is the answer. A plane inspired by renaissance Italy, Fiora is more a melting pot of political intrigue and Game of Thrones-esque plotting than it is planewide warfare. The central city, Paliano, is the centerpiece of the two Conspiracy expansions, and home to the ruling classes of Fiora. Ruled by a combination of a monarch and democratic legislature at first glance, the true workings of The High City are much more shrewd. Fiora was once ruled by the eternal spirit-king Brago, until his assassination by the ghost-killing planeswalker Kaya. The contract was put out by the new queen, Marchesa the Black Rose (long may she reign), who controls agents throughout the plane and pulls political strings in every arena to hold power. Now outlawed, there was once a flourishing academy of artificers in Paliano led by the inventor Muzzio and the planeswalker Daretti, who has now become a rebel. Fiora is home to numerous city-states, including the elven nation of Trest, and smaller towns that populate the plane in-between vast expanses of unexplored wilderness. One of these is Drakeston, the birthplace of the planeswalker Dack Fayden.
Gods & avatars
None known
Sets Featuring Fiora
Conspiracy - June 2014
Conspiracy: Take the Crown- August 2016