The Concept Art of Throne of Eldraine
From the plane of Eldraine
Mood & Scenery Explorations
Redcap attack - Art by Tyler Jacobson
Kenrith family portrait - Art by Ryan Pancoast
“Lost Boy” Fae meet a woman in the woods - Concept by Chris Rahn
A witch offering an apple to a knight - Art by Tyler Jacobson
A take on the legend of Saint George and the Dragon - Art by Tyler Jacobson
The Kingdom of Ardenvale
Heraldry of Ardenvale from the Eldraine World Guide - Art by Titus Lunter
Queen Linden costume study - Concept by Ryan Pancoast
Ardenvale Knights - Art from A Palneswalker’s Guide to Eldraine
Early Castle Ardenvale (“white castle”) brainstorming - Art by Nick Southam
Castle Ardenvale motifs & exploration - Art by Nick Southam
The Kingdom of Vantress
Heraldry of Vantress from the Eldraine World Guide - Art by Titus Lunter
Castle Vantress - Concept by Chris Rahn
Castle in the Loch - Art by Anna Steinbauer
The Magic Mirror Indrelon & chamber - Art from A Palneswalker’s Guide to Eldraine
Early Castle Vantress (“blue castle”) brainstorming - Art by Nick Southam
Magic Mirror concept & exploration design - Art by Nick Southam
The Kingdom of Locthwain
Heraldry of Locthwain from the Eldraine World Guide - Art by Titus Lunter
Eldraine Specter - Concept by Chris Rahn
Locthwain Knights - Concept by Anna Steinbauer
Locthwain Crow-Rider - Concept by Anna Steinbauer
Castle Locthwain motifs & exploration - Art by Nick Southam
The Kingdom of Embereth
Heraldry of Embereth from the Eldraine World Guide - Art by Titus Lunter
The Irencrag - Art from A Palneswalker’s Guide to Eldraine
Eldraine Ogre- Concept by Tyler Jacobson
A sword bearing Irencrag’s Mark of Courage, similar to the legendary sword Embercleave
The Kingdom of Garenbrig
Heraldry of Garenbrig from the Eldraine World Guide - Art by Titus Lunter
Yorvo, the giant King of Garenbrig - Concept by Tyler Jacobson
The Great Henge/Gnomon Portal - Art from A Palneswalker’s Guide to Eldraine
Garenbrig Knight - Art from A Palneswalker’s Guide to Eldraine
Eldraine Giants - Concept by Tyler Jacobson
Eldraine Giants - Concept by Tyler Jacobson
Early Castle Garenbrig (“green castle”) brainstorming - Art by Nick Southam
Castle Garenbrig & Great Henge form exploration - Art by Nick Southam
The Great Henge ideation design - Art by Nick Southam
Beasts & the Wilds
Eldraine Dragon - Concept by Chris Rahn
Elven Knight - Concept by Chris Rahn
Fae Godmother visual exploration - Art by Rebecca On
Golem form Exploration - Concept by Chris Rahn
White Archon - Concept by Anna Steinbauer
Goblin Redcap visual design exploration - Art by Rebecca On
Undine merfolk variation study - Concept by Tyler Jacobson
“Lady of the lake” style merfolk concepts for the Undine - Concept by Tyler Jacobson
The Wilds - Art from A Palneswalker’s Guide to Eldraine
Cottage in the wilds - Concept by Anna Steinbauer